Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Youth Snow Outing!

I am recovering from a really fun outing we has with some of our youth in our ward. We spent the night at the Church Ensign Ranch in the snow. As we arrived it was snowing the they had to plow our roads for us to get in.We had two cabins for the night. One for the boys and one for the girls. These cabin are very bare minimum. They did have a wood stove in them to help keep warm. But the walls were so thin it got cold really fast. Joni was busy all night keeping the fire going. Out memorable time was at 6am and the fire had gone out and we had to find matches. Then the joy of using the Out house in the middle of the snow. That will really wake you up.

The girls had a great time playing games and talking all night. All night. They had just settled down at 3am and then we had an idea to scare the girls. Well they were in the loft so Joni and Kelly snuck up the stairs and then I shared my scary movie scream! My family will know what kind of scream this is. No one was prepared for it and the girls were scared silly. It was hilarious- they jumped into each others arms and it took a good hour to get them settled down again. I just could not resist the chance to get a full on scream out. It is hard to find the appropriate time to let this out with out having some one call 911 on you.

We had snow ball fights and home made stew and fun hanging out with the boys in a safe environment. I hear the boys cabin did not get any sleep either. Needless to say the adults were very tired the next day.

After breakfast we headed to Hyak for sledding on the hill. Bro Rice had a great covered set up for us to have chili hot dogs and hot chocolate and snacks. More kids joined us for the day there. Every one had a great time sliding and running into each other. This outing has become a tradition for a couple of our wards and the kids really look forward to it. I am sure I will join them again next year. The sleep deprivation will have worn off my then.

This is Kelly's first time sledding in the snow! That is what happens when you grow up in Arizona. She did get the hang of it after a while. This first time her arm got stuck underthe tube. It did not take long for her to be a pro with all the other kids! Love her!


Allison Barnes said...

Looks like fun! I can't imagine using the outhouse in the snow...

So glad that you got to use the Westra scream!

Kelli Jill said...

I loved the pics. They really did hit on the fun we had. Thanks for the shout out:)