Saturday, January 3, 2009

Failed 365 Goal!

I have already failed at my goal of doing a post everyday for a year. I have missed a few days already. I tried doing this last year. To take a photo everyday. But know when I think about it, it really is setting myself up for failure. I will try and continue to do as many as I can. That way I wont fail and want to quit.
I hesitate to write my goals for 2009. But what I would love to accomplish are:
1-lose 20 pounds-exercise-better meals
2-catch up on my scrapbooks for Vincent and Andrew
3-Be more organized at work schedule
4-Have a regular Family Night
5-Have a date night set up with Hubby
6-Better scripture study
I am sure there are more to add to my list. But this will be a good start.


Allison Barnes said...

sounds like some good goals. I know I can't blog everyday... there are so many days that I have nothing to say... nothing new.

I need to be better about my scrapbooking too. I have a lot of things I want to do!

Grandma Sue said...

Julie, you need to give yourself a break. You have so much going on!! If we can just improve a little at all our goals that would be sufficient.