Friday, April 24, 2009


Here is the stuff they cut out of Gary. The doctor says that blog is about the size of a quarter. You can see the dark part is where it is starting to die. Who knows how long it would take for it all to die. All I know is too long. So I am really glad they got it out. The Doctor hopes that this is what was hurting him so much. We will know when he starts to recover.

Gary all prepped for surgery. Overlake has some pretty fancy rooms for this. Everyone was very nice.

Gary in the latest Overlake fashion. He said he did not want to shave till they fixed him. This was a few weeks ago. I think he will shave soon.
The surgery went well, and they took out his appendicitis just in case. I am very glad about this. Knowing Gary he would have problems with this next. They did the surgery laproscopicly (?) and they were in the same area so it makes sense. They were talking about cutting out some of his colon. I am glad they did not have to do that. I think that was worst case scenario.
Today Gary is having alot of pain in his shoulders and neck. When they do this type of surgery they pump air in the cavity to help give them room to do the surgery and to find things. So now the air is trying to escape. This why the shoulders ache and the neck area. Not sure if it affects the nerve receptors to the shoulders or if the air has gone up and is trying to escape and is being absorbed by those areas. The body really is an amazing thing.
I am glad that Gary is home. He thinks he will be ready for work Monday. We love our Gary!


Jon said...

Hi there, we are glad that Gary is on the mend. We love you all,

Jonathan, Dominique & Olivia xxxx

The Elliotts said...

Good to see you're still attention seeking Gary! Get well soon.

Lots of love from the Elliotts

Allison Barnes said...

Get better soon!!!! you wife needs to be able to have fun with me next week!!