Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Boys are Home!

We picked up Vincent last night from the airport. We were so excited to see him! He smiled for quick second. He is definitely a teenager.
Andrew was very happy to have Vincent home!
We are slowly getting information about the trip. It sounds like everything went well. Everyone got along well and nobody got hurt. A few people got alittle sick. I hope they are all fine now. Luckily Vincent is like me and the bugs don't really like our blood.
We sent him with a camera and told him to take alot of photos. Half way thru one of the chaperone's camera broke and Vincent let her use his. Yeah! She saved the day. She said she took a lot of photos. She is uploading the photos this week. I think everyone will get their photos together and share them.
Highlights of the trip he said were: Zip Line- rafting- seeing lots of wild animals. He was disappointed he did not see any crocodiles or snakes. He was searching for those. Vincent spotted monkeys, a sloth, lots of lizards, iguanas and cool birds.

1 comment:

Allison Barnes said...

Sounds like he had a good time! Post some pics when you get them.