Saturday, June 23, 2012

Andrew Hike\BC Graduation

Busy day... 

Get the kids up and off to school.

Work on my last day of homework. Really not loving my storytelling class.

Packed and got Andrew ready for his first overnight scout hike. Food and tent and all the other jazz you have to have. He had a great time. But his poor hips were bruised from his pack. This was a good warm up for his 4 day hike in August. 

Getting my self ready for Graduation ceremony at Bellevue College.
 I was originally going for my AA in Business. When I finished my classes back in 1999, I did not understand you had to apply for graduation. Yikes....then Gary was after me to finish. So now I don't qualify for the same degree and had to take another class, whoops. But I am done with that now, with a 3.98 grade point average. Yeah....1 more Year to finish my Digital Media Arts degree. 

They still did not say my name correctly....

Then I went home and finished my home work for Spring quarter. Got it done just in time. 

1 comment:

Ashley Marx said...

3.98 GPA?! that is amazing! congrats!