Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I miss reading the book!

Bummers......................I guess I will have to find another good book to read. Or do laundry :-( who wants to do that. It was nice to escape from everything for a while. Like a mini vacation for your mind!

I am afraid to read The Host. Some told me they did not like the ending. So why start?


Joni said...

OK not sure if this will show twice... I am with you!! I have been missing Bella and Edward! Sarah restarted the series before she reads "Breaking Dawn"! Mmmm... do I have that much time?!

Allison Barnes said...

I am almost done.... I read the Host and enjoyed it. Not quite as good as twilight series... I liked the ending... but it took about 100 pages to get everyone straight. I'd read it!