Sunday, October 2, 2011

Grapes from the yard!

Can you believe we found all these grapes in our back yard?  
Yes it is crazy!  We let the grape vines grow up in the pear tree. The pear tree has been dying for a while now. So we decided why not let the grapes grow there. It made a great trellis for them. But it was a little challenging to pick them so high up. 

Now what do we do with them? 
Jelly? Juice? Syrup? 
I am researching on You Tube for ideas. 


Allison Barnes said...

Yum! Remember that grape juice mom used to make? I wonder how she did it?

Ang and Shawn said...

that is a lot of grapes! they look yummy...except i think you are missing a post about blackberries. i just miss them so much. store bought black berries are just not the same, and do not do the trick.

ps. can you believe 25 years ago you laid eyes upon the "most beautiful little baby girl" you had ever seen? ha, wow i'm old. which makes you o.l.d.