Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School 2010!

Finally school is back in session! Yeah!
Andrew is in 5th grade! Looking so smart and handsome! He said I could dress him for the first day. He would not let me buy him many new cloths. But I did get him a new shirt! Last year at Elementary school. Wow... :-(

Yes, I did follow the bus to school. Like I always do on the first day. I must have the getting on the bus photo, then the class room photo! I have a few set photos I use for his scrapbook. Hey, I need to update that one of these days...

In line at school. Always a crazy day in the halls on this day. It is amazing how many languages are spoken by the parents at this school. A huge melting pot. I think they said over 50 native languages for the families in this school.

Meeting his new teacher...she seems very nice and young. Andrew seems to like her, so that is good.

Vincent ready for Sammamish! He was very excited to be back at school with his friends. I could not get a smile from him. He barely stood still for the photo. He knows he has to put up with me and my pictures.
I drove him to school. When I dropped him off I was not allowed to get too close to the front entrance. I suppose some one might see me. I wanted to volunteer and help with the check in for the PTA. But he would not let me do this. Hard to understand. All his friends like me, I think. I guess he is a true teenager and embarrassed by his parents.

Wait one more photo please?...guess not.
Have fun boys! Listen to your teachers! Take Notes... Don't forget to write down your locker combination...Be nice to all the kids...Don't make the wrong kind of good!...I love you! Remember who you are!
OK- these are all the things I would like to say, but they don't listen to me. I get out bits and pieces at a time.
Love my boys! I am proud of you both!

1 comment:

Ang and Shawn said...

ahhhh. so cute. You are a cool mom, vincent is just being a teenager.