Saturday, January 26, 2013

October Highlights

Highlights from October, a quick catch up since I am way behind!  Ugh

Gary had another kidney stone stuck. They had to go in and remove it. Poor guy, this was number #56 stone to pass. All went well and he is doing ok now. They are studying him again to see if they can get the stones to stop forming. He had surgery at the Swedish hospital in Seattle. They treated him very nicely. 

Andrew had a green bone fracture from playing soccer. But not a complete break. So he had a soft cast for 4 weeks. His bone actually bent when a soccer ball hit his hand and bent it backwards. 

Vincent was finally diagnosed with Mono! Ugh...he had been sick for weeks. The doctor almost had him hospitalized.Vincent thought he was dying. Unfortunately he went on a trip to Utah to visit his girlfriend Christina and exposed her to the virus. Luckily she did not get as sick as Vincent did. He missed about 6 weeks of school. Slept all day and was miserable. Weekly he went in and had his blood checked to make sure he was getting better. 

I had a great time at my annual scrapbooking retreat on Whidbey Island. I needed a vacation from all the sick and hurt people. We had a lot of fun crafting and staying up all night. Just what I needed. I did not feel guilty at all for leaving.  

 Andrew had fun as the glowing man for Halloween. It was a good costume that fit over his cast. I like it because he was visible at all times, and warm. 

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