Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Still on Strike!

Ugh......................... the teachers on still on strike. It is starting to make me mad at them. With the news today of another lender GMC closing their offices it makes me feel lucky that we have a job. And then to see the teachers who have a job go on strike. I know things are not fair but really, can we be thankful for a job and try and do it! I would like the curriculum changed for the teachers, so they have some flexibility on what and how they teach. But really, I bet they could have gone about it with the PTA parents another way during school.

Then we have the Boeing workers thinking of going on strike also. How selfish is that. They have great jobs.

Just another example of how unions are working for us! Yikes!

So another day tomorrow with bored kids at home playing video games!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI....the PTA has no control over curriculum, that is done completely by the district administration and it is in the teachers contracts. If the teachers don't follow the given curriculum guidelines they could lose their job.

It is definitely a bummer that there is a strike and that the kids can't be in school right now. The teachers don't want to be out picketing, but they also want to have better curriculum guidelines and better pay. There are many teachers that would have had a decrease in income this year with the districts proposal. Also, the district has known since June that the teachers were going to go on strike...the district didn't start negotiations until the day before school started. It is the district that has control over the negotiation schedule. On the first day of school they only negotiated for one hour...the union wanted to spend more time than that.

Just thought I would let you know some of the facts...sadly the media has slanted many of the facts to favor the district, and the district has not offered the whole truth either. BUt hopefully the strike will end is what everone wants :)