Friday, March 16, 2012

Shopping for a Mattress

Getting a new mattress is hard work! 

Gary and I have been looking around for a long time for a new mattress. But spending that kind of money is pretty hard for Gary. (I seem to be fine with it :-) 

We made at least 5 trips to Macy's to try them all out. We were really tied between two brands. Gary spent hours in research on line. In the end price got us. We went with the cheaper of the two. But Cheap is not the right word to use for sure. 

Delivery day was delayed a couple of weeks because of snow. But it finally came!  It looked great!  But when I tried it out.....hard as a rock! I tried walking on it and jumping on it. We gave it a week and such luck. It never really softened that much. We should have gone with our first instinct. 

I arranged to have it returned and upgraded to our new Tempurpedic!   It could not arrive fast enough for us. So happy when I saw the Red Truck return to take us out of our suffering! 

We are very happy to have our new mattress all installed and it is Awesome! I recommend it to anyone who really wants to sleep all night in comfort!  I just love it. Yeah!  I don't have any more back aches! 

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