Monday, April 11, 2011

Gary & Andrew off to England!

It has been 3 years since Gary has been back home. 

The timing just seemed right to send him home again to see his family. His Mom was asking him " When are you coming?"  what can you say to that. She is not well enough to come and visit us any more. We miss them visiting us here.

Spring break was coming the next week. Vincent can not miss any school. We learned our lesson there. Too hard to make up as you get older. He also had a soccer game that he would miss. Not a big deal, but missing school was.

I had work to do and did not feel like it was a good time to take off. Working by commission is hard to figure out when to take a vacation. I must say that England this time of year is not my favorite. All the cool stuff I want to see is closed up for the season. I will make it during the summer one day. I do miss all the family!

So that left Andrew to go with Gary. I do not think her remembers his last trip too much. What a great time to spend 10 days with his Dad. Gary said he did Awesome on the long flights. We could not get a direct flight with out spending an arm and a leg on it. The spent about 16 hours getting there and about 23 hours coming home. Ugh!  Jet leg has been

I missed the boys a lot while they were gone. The house was so quiet. Vincent was busy with soccer and school. But during the break with just the two of us home it was soooooo quiet!  Vincent had friends over, but the house still seemed empty. It is just not the same with Gary and Andrew gone. I am not sure I will let them leave again with out all of us going.

One huge thing that bothered me about this trip is that I had no control over photography!!! Will they take photos?... Will they take photos of people?  Will they think to stop along the way and take a few shots of memorable places?  I had to just let it go....not think about it....because even if I was to give them instructions I have learned they do not care.  Not until it is years past and they forget every thing.

So all I have so far is one photo of them at the airport on my iphone. Oh...Wait...Gary just told me he has some photos for me. Ok!  Yeah!  I will down load them tomorrow and get them organized to post.

Hang tight...:-) Photos to come.....

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