Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last night my legs were bugging me tons. I have restless leg syndrome, it is a family gift. Lately it has been acting up. I had some old medicine that I was saving just in case I really needed it. So I took it last night. I should have remembered that last time I used it I got sick. I soon remembered and went to sleep tingling. Then at midnight I woke up and felt terrible! I spent the next 3 hours next to the toilet! I thought I was going to die!
Why did I do that to myself! My stomach is still sore... I hate throwing up! I also kept poor Gary up all night.


Allison Barnes said...

i bet you were just trying to loose a few extra pounds! haha sorry you got sick. what kind of meds was it?? i get sick with codine...

Ang and Shawn said...

Um that sounds horrible. I hate throwing up too. I never ever do.

I hate the damn restless leg syndrome curse. I have found that if I take a 1/2 of an extra strength tylonel pm it will relax my muscles enough for me to be able to sleep!

Maybe it won't work for you, but it works for me!