Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day at New Schools!

Vincent is ready for school. First day at High School. He is trying not to smile. He is not at the school that he wanted or ever thought he would end up in. Vincent is at an Alternative High School - Robinswood this year. This is the year for him to get some organizational skills and learn how important homework is.
Our hope is this school will motivate him. Also we will work with ADD issues to get it under control.
The good think is his classes are really small. 10 to 15 people. He takes 4 classes a day, 90 min each. He will get lots of one to one time with the teachers and will be able to monitor things better. :-) Vincent said today that he was a little overdressed. Not sure what that means. I plan on visiting the school and volunteering alot this year.
How cute is Andrew! Just melt my heart! I love those dimples!

Andrew is going to a new Elementary School this year also. We decided Spanish Immersion school was too hard to monitor at home. He was falling behind and I could not help too much as I don't speak Spanish. But it looks like he might be able to practice at his new school. Half the students are Spanish speaking natives. I heard lots of other languages that I had no idea where they were from. Should be interesting.:-)

Lake Hills was recently rebuilt. They tore down the old building and now they have a beautiful new school!

So far so good. He seems to like his new teacher. He knows a few kids from the neighborhood. I saw a few kids from church and even a couple from his old school. I know Andrew will do great!
I was wondering about the busing at this new school. I am used to paying for a bus to pick up the kids for their old school. It took a while for the counselor at the school to explain to me that you don't have to pay for a bus if it is your neighborhood school that you are assigned to. Yeah! That is Awesome! We will give it a try tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ang and Shawn said...

Andrew is so freaking cute. I love his dimples too! Vincent is cute too. . . but in like a cool teenager way (: so. . . getting the little pictures on your list of blogs you look at. go to where you add a new person to put to your list. or go to customize, and then click on your blog list, and then it will have 3 things on the top. "Title" "Sort" "Show" Under the "Show" select "all blogs" and then check "thumbnail of most recent item" and then click the orange "Save" button at the bottom right hand corner. That should do it!

PS: I thought I would give you gma joy instructions! haha