Sunday, July 20, 2008

Richards Road Creek?

Vincent talked us all into going on a little hike today at our neighborhood park. It has a trail system in the woods that are by the power lines. Vincent found a deer trail off of it and followed it to a stream. He had us walk up the stream. It was felt like being deep in the woods in the mountains. It is crazy that it is the middle of Bellevue. Vincent has seen a deer and a racoon and even a beaver in the river. He took pictures with his cell phone of the beaver. I will try and figure out to how to post on this.

We went tonight in hopes of seeing the beaver. No such luck. But we did see two woodpeckers pecking on a tree nearby. Pretty cool. We had a good adventure. And saw lots of paw prints by racoons on the river banks. In the river we say two crawfish floating down. Parts of the river are pretty deep. And where the damm is it looks pretty deep. One of Vincents friends fell in and could not touch the bottom. He was short- so who knows. I was not going to find out.

It is a great place for boys to play and do boy stuff. Catch snakes and look for wild animals. They have been spending alot of time there and bringing their friends. Some do not get out much in nature and are not sure what to do. One boy asked " do beavers bite?" .

1 comment:

Allison Barnes said...

WOW... looks like fun! I bet the boys are in heaven!