Last weekend Gary rented me a cool lens to try out. It was not too much to money. It was fun to try something new. I would never be able to afford to buy this lens. It retails for about $6,000. I could never imagine spending that much. But I am sure if it was your job, that is another story.
Here are a few of the photos I took. I went kind of crazy and took way too many photos. I saved about 500 from this game. The parents were excited about all the great photos of their kids. Unfortunately this game was one of the few that Vincent did not play too much. Good timing. If you want to see all 500 let me know, I will send you the link. :-)
The lens if much heavier that i am used to. My mono pod was not working great so I had to carry it most of the time. My arms were sore the next morning. I only used it for half the game.
I think I will give it another try this weekend with a better mono pod to hold it.